David Megginson wrote:

Thanks for the feedback. I have a book deadline looming, so I don't have any big chunks of time free until after the 9th, but if you feel like tweaking the J3 Cub and DC-3 files until you like the handling better, I'll be happy to commit the changes. Ideally, we want them to behave well for both three-point and wheel landings.

As far as I know, you're the one with the most tailwheel experience among the FlightGear users (mine is exactly 0, unless you count pausing my preflight to watch the taildraggers land and takeoff).

I have been out of town and just flew back from Des Moines this morning
in the pa24-250. I have done some testing with both the j3 and the dc3
and will do some more this week. I really found the j3 just fine as it was before; very realistic. I wish we could spend an evening flying the j3
together as the technique I have always been instructed to use for wheel landings is to get to the ground with the mains at zero vertical
velocity. When you feel the mains touch, apply just a little forward
pressure on the stick. If you have more than a little vertical velocity when
mains touch, the nose pitches up and you are back in the air. Then you have to apply a little power and feel for the ground again, much like a baloon
with tri gear. And of course you need to be quick but gentle with the rudder. when I used to teach a new student in a tail dragger, I would encourage them to keep the rudder moving back and forth and just change the percentage of time the rudder spends left or right, some what like
the old pulse propotional RC rudders. Believe it or not, several
touch-n-goes with this technique, and they were staying in the middle
of the runway and nearly going straight on take-off and landing. The
amplitude of the oscillations quickly dimminishes. This helps keep
you from getting behind the ac and making ever increasing swings left
and right ending in a ground loop.

Hope this helps!
Dave P.

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