I'm trying to roll up another version of the FAQ. Here are the set of questions I intend to add. Comments, and additions, would be most welcome.

Why doesn't ATC work?
Because it's a non-trivial problem that nobody's got a satisfactory
solution to yet.

I fall through the deck of the carrier. What am I doing wrong?
This is a known problem with 0.9.8 - either use CVS, or await the next
stable release.

When's the next release?
When we have enough stable features -- and the lead developers have
enough time -- that we can prepare, test and roll out a set of
binaries, all of which takes time.

Addendum to the warplane discussion.
Some aircraft (the Spitfire, for instance) now support firing guns and dropping bombs, but the munitions don't destroy anything yet.

I'm using Cygwin and OpenAL complains.
You need to download a special version from <HERE> (minor policy
issue: shouldn't this be on the main ftp servers, given that all
cygwin users effectively need the file)

I'm using Mingw and all sorts of things complain.
FGFS currently won't compile on mingw without some minor changes to various
parts of the codebase, only some of which are documented on the wiki. (Will fix when time - gwjr)

Why is the documentation so poor/out of date/non-existent?
Because writing code and flying is generally more fun than writing
down stuff telling other people how to do it. Documentation is an easy
area to work on if you want to improve your knowledge of how the
system works --- and any help would be much appreciated.

Why isn't DRI enabled?
Any number of reasons, including what side of bed X got out of that
morning. You can send us details, and we'll try to help, but we can't
work magic.

Why can I fly through buildings, hangars etc?
Because we only have ground intersection code, not object intersection
code. If you can find a way of fixing this that doesn't hose
everybody's performance --- or make flying between buildings
impossible --- please do.

I can't fly the helicopter!
Don't even attempt to do it with auto-coordination -- that way madness
lies -- instead, control the rotation manually, using the rudder keys.

Do you have X aircraft?
Possibly. If we do, you can download it at:

I can't fly aircraft X!
Some of them are hard to fly (especially the fast, unstable
fighters). Some of them are suicidal to land unless you have some
experience in other aircraft (the B-52, for instance). Some, like the
well-loved Cessna, are docile and forgiving, and for that reason, they
get used to train pilots. Try one of them, and then move up.

Why does my aircraft veer to the left during takeoff?
This is due to various forces, collectively --- and incorrectly --- labelled `torque'. Some of it is due to propeller wash on the vertical tail, and other factors. The extent to which this is correctly modelled is a matter of some debate amongst those with General Aviation experience. Apply rudder during the takeoff roll to counteract this effect.

Giles Robertson

PS: This would be an excellent message to practice the partial-quoting skills that Melchior gets so excited about. It's far too long already (many apologies).

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