David Drum wrote:
> I am compiling FG 0.9.1 on Mac OS X.
> ld: Undefined symbols:
> _CPSEnableForegroundOperation
> _CPSGetCurrentProcess
> _CPSSetFrontProcess
> _CPSSetProcessName
> [...]
> I sent this to flightgear-users a couple days ago when 0.9.0 was out.
> No response.

Unfortunately, the OS X port is still very new and not very stable.
None of the core team have Mac's.  It's not that we're ignoring you,
it's that we really aren't equipped to answer the question.  Quite
honestly, you may need to do some of the debugging yourself.

Some of the missing symbols (slScheduler et. al.) should be found in
the Plib "sl" library, which for some reason doesn't appear on your
linker command line.  The other four (above) I don't recognize at all.
Maybe they are Mac API functions that you need to link in via a
non-default library?


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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