For the last 2 or 3 CVS updates (or for the last 2 weeks) I have been getting regular
Segmentation faults right at touchdown with the dc3. The last few lines of the
terminal output follow. Is anyone else seeing this?

Updating light parameters.
Sun angle = 59.873
ambient = 0.35 diffuse = 0.995051 specular = 0.35 sky = 0.989102
Refreshing timestamps for -122.375 37.5625
scheduling needed tiles for -122.361 37.615
Playing audio after 321.865 sec: rumble
Playing audio after 395.833 sec: squeal
Segmentation fault
[perryd@dadsoffice FlightGear]$

By the way, the improved slowflight charachteristics with the c172p are great!
I like the need for increased rudder.
- Dave

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