Erik Hofman wrote:
Boris Koenig wrote:

leave it alone, then it's NOT your business, but rather the folks
from opentnl.org should take care of such issues ...

With such an attitude you might be better off subscribing to fgfs-users and not fgfs-devel.

Thanks for that hint Erik - as always, I appreciate your opinion, indeed, you might remember: I'm subscribed to both lists ;-)

And I bet I wouldn't have half that much fun if I were *only* subscribed
to the user-list :-)

Back to the TNL topic: there have been quite some lengthy (private)
discussions about whether to really use TNL or not - because OF their
current lack of cross-platform support. You couldn't know that - you
chose to reply anyway, and the two of us know why you did so ;-)

So far we didn't get our hands on docs about how to create these
"platform modules" to make the TNL support other platforms, too - so the
only thing that I said - like I did  already do privately - was that we
shouldn't concentrate too much on using the TNL if it finally turns out
to be unfeasible to make use of the TNL at all - having *portability* as
one of the major goals.

Essentially, because it might turn out to be a waste of time in
the end...

Likewise, it could be considered a "waste of time" to respond to
things where you aren't fully involved Erik, regardless of the
valuable opinions that you want to share :-)

So in this context, I'd like to remind you of a private mail
exchange that we had a couple of weeks ago: NOW you *are*
encouraged to interpret exactly THAT meaning into the above
paragraph ;-)

Also, please keep in mind that your advice doesn't logically connect
very well to my actual recommendation, simply because it wasn't
about FlightGear development, but rather about openTNL development.

Two different projects, if I am not terribly mistaken ?

Of course, I understand what you're basically trying to suggest,
but don't let this become a flame war about software development
philosophies in general - I was only saying that there's no good
reason to REALLY concentrate on the TNL as long as some things
haven't been ruled out.

In that regard, please take into account that every minute spent
on other (i.e. NON-FlightGear-) projects, is one potential minute
less for the (FlightGear-) project itself :-)

And I am very sure that you'll remember times when you found yourself
pondering about similar thoughts Erik ?

So, don't try to convince me that my thoughts are non-conforming with
the attitude of "developers" in general - that'd be ridiculous, I think.

Instead of having to watch *some* people here continually starting
attempts to live out their "guru syndrome" and thereby repeatedly
proofing HOW  'welcome' new potential contributors are to this project,
it would probably be much more beneficial for the project itself if some
of _us_  could agree to react in a much more laid-back fashion to things
that they don't like to read... possibly even reacting in a way that
doesn't suggest that we just passed puberty ?

Some people here seem even to be literally WAITING for people to
say/post something that they can *mis-interpret* ...

It's somewhat sad, although this is pretty interesting from a
psychological point of view ;-)

Alternatively, we could agree to use private mail, instead of putting
harm to the project itself by provoking immature debates publicly on
the project's mailing list - making the project or rather the community
of developers less attractive for other people.

Maybe, we need to set up a "flightgear-fights" mailing list !? ;-)

Not everybody may enjoy these debates as much as I do :-)

-------- Boris

P.S.: Believe me folks, I know exactly what it feelks like - I've gone
through all this, too - not necessarily on (public) mailing list, though. ;-)

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