Arnt Karlsen wrote:
 > ..(during the Falklands War, the Britts tested refuelling of Harriers
 > and Sea Harriers, from ships, in-hover refuelling, believe I saw this
 > in Air Progress magazine in the mid 80'ies.)

I think what you're remembering is the "Sky Hook" gadget that was
developed but never installed on Royal Navy vessels.  It was actually
a full-service landing system, not just a refuelling boom.  The idea
was that the Harrier would come to a stable hover alongside the boat,
and then be grabbed from above by the hook.  It would then
(carefully!) decrease thrust until it was just hanging there, and then
be lowered onto the deck like cargo.

I can't imagine this was very popular with the pilots.  Imagine
sweating during the (already very difficult) hover as some 19 year old
sailor swats at you with a giant crane. :)


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
  - Sting (misquoted)

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