Erik Hofman writes:
> Jon Berndt wrote:
> >>Erik Hofman wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Add a protocol for the ACMS protocol which seems to be used as an
> >>>output format for black-box data flight data. This configuration
> >>>does not work directly since there is no FDM available that reads
> >>>the accelerations from the property tree and translates them into
> >>>actual lat/lon positions.
> > 
> > 
> > Maybe I misunderstand, but JSBSim (and I assume YASim and LaRCSim, as well) use 
> > accels to
> > determine lat/lon. It's geocentric, but it's done in JSBSim. FlightGear takes this 
> > and
> > converts to geodetic.
> The file that Mr. Brito sent doesn't contain positional data but rather 
> accelerations (together with pitch/roll/yaw). What is needed is (as a 
> first start) a way to visualize the performed flight from that data.
> As a first stab I have updated the generic protocol to also accept input 
>   data on regular intervals. But what it does is nothing more than 
> updating properties based on this data.
> To get back to the contents of the file, when updating the acceleration 
> properties and either specifying --fmd=null or using YASim as it's FDM, 
> the data is just being ignored (and in case of YASim probably just being 
> overwritten).
> SO now I need a way to update lat/lon based on a starting position and 
> acceleration data.

velocity = velocity + acceleration
XYZ = XYZ + delta_time * velocity
LLZ = sgCartToGeod( XYZ )


see LaRCsim / ls_step.c


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