Dave Perry writes:

 > I just took the j3 for a spin.  The stall characteristics are 
 > significantly improved.  The response to rudder when a wing drops still 
 > seems less than in a real aircraft.  This could be the range of my pedals.

That can be adjusted very easily.  Open up
$FG_ROOT/Aircraft-yasim/j3cub.xml, find the vstab element, then play
with the "lift" attribute on the the vstab/flap0 element.  The number
is currently 1.5 -- if you make it higher, the rudder will become more

 > I also noticed that the climb was very laborous

Vx is supposed to be 55 mph and Vy is supposed to be 65 mph; however,
I'm getting a good climb rate at 55 and an anemic one at 65, so the
model clearly needs a little tweaking.  What climb speed did you use?

 > and when I cut power, it did not glide far.  Did you increase the
 > drag, or is it that it defaults to the door open?  The real cub has
 > a rather shallow glide.

What glide speed did you use?  I think Vglide is supposed to be around
60 mph, but I'm not sure that's where it is in the model right now.

 > On another note.  About the time that version 8.0 was released, I had 
 > submitted a change to the j3cub.xml animation for the ailerons that used 
 > interpolation to leave the bottom of the ailerons parallel with the 
 > bottom of the wing with the stick in neutral.

I'd rather fix that in the 3d model.  I'll be happy to put in a patch
for the differential aileron deflection, though.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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