Good evening from GMT-6.

Jim Wilson did a good job of pointing me in the right direction toward
making views attached to players in a multiplayer scenario.

I attack it today and made good progress, but remain bogged down by the
transformations required.  Bottom line is I need to take the 4x4 player
position matrix and convert that to what is needed by the view properties
(lat/lon/alt, etc.) The objective is to dynamically alter custom view(s),
based on player positions(/orientation).

A 2-part question, with hopes no one has to spend much time answering:
1.) Can someone point me to a good writeup on the details of the various
coordinate systems and transformations in FG?  (sorry: I'm sure that's been
asked many times)
2.) Is there a utility method existing somewhere in the code already to do
these specific transformations?  It seems unlikely this is the first time
someone is interested in taking the player positions and converting them to

Thanks in advance.  Maybe this will all become clear to me after tomorrow
morning's coffee(s). <sigh>


Jim A

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