"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,"Curtis L. Olson"

> Once you are finished rendering the outside scenery, you could reset
> the near/far clip planes to something appropriate for drawing just the
> 3d panel, then clear the z-buffer and draw the panel.  This way you
> could have the entire z-buffer scaled to cockpit dimensions for that
> phase of the rendering.

Hi All,

This was posted by Curt a couple months ago.  I'd like to try and see if I can
get my 3D Panel to render (no guages or stuff yet), but I'm a total nub with
3D programming.   So I've found what looks like a context class in plib, but
am not sure how to clear the z-buffer as mentioned.  

Also, any suggestions on how to proceed (general ideas and class names are
both helpful).  Still trying to find a good book.  Have just picked up a copy
of Hawkins' "OpenGL game programming"....but I'm thinking that there might be
something better for someone who isn't interested in using DirectX.



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