Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FG, opengc, generic gauges

2005-12-06 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Bruce Benneke wrote:

Interesting option.definitely out of our price range, 
though.(looks pretty cool...good work btw)

How does one go about slaving other comps to the 'master' copy of FG?
Am I missing something in documentation?

There is a file called README.IO which gives a brief overview of how to 
configure the different computers to talk to each other.



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
Unique text:2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FG, opengc, generic gauges

2005-12-06 Thread Bruce Benneke
Interesting option.definitely out of our price range, though.(looks 
pretty cool...good work btw)

How does one go about slaving other comps to the 'master' copy of FG?
Am I missing something in documentation?


Curtis L. Olson wrote:

Bruce Benneke wrote:

Absolutely I would be interested in just using FG to do the gauges.
Any details or a "boot in the right direction" would be appreciated
Would I be able to seperate the gauges onto a second system?  I'm 
already liking the idea of running 'atlas' as a mapping utility on a 
second compjust trying to distribute as much of this as possible. 
(I've got _stacks_ of older comps to use, but I'm short on newer stuff)

Hi Bruce,

I've done a system where the main FG computer displayed a fullscreen 
2D panel and didn't draw any scenery.  FG was fully running though in 
terms of modeling internal systems, radios, flight dynamics, etc.  The 
2d panel just showed the primary flight/engine gauges.  The radio 
stack was handled in hardware.  This was the 'main' or 'master' copy 
of flightgear.  From there you can 'slave' any number of display 
computers.  You could go with a single out-the-window display, or you 
could go with multiple displays for a wrap around system, or you could 
go with LCD projectors and project on a big screen(s) in front of you 
... there are lots of options depending on your budget and space.

Here are a couple pictures:

Minus the FAA certified flight dynamics, you can do all the software 
side of this with stock FlightGear and a little elbow grease.  The 
hardware of course would be something you'd have to buy or build ... 
the sims pictured are a product available for purchase.  In terms of 
fair disclosure, I should state that I'm somewhat involved with the 
company that builds/sells these sims ... I have done much of the 
software setup and configuration.  I only mention them here because it 
serves as a good example of the sort of thing you are trying to do.  
Depending on the balance between your budget and your goals and your 
own abilities to put these sorts of systems together, these comercial 
sims might be an option for some people.  I'm not trying to be "Mr. 
Salesman" here, I'm happy to do my best to answer any questions you 
have about FG if you want to do this yourself, but given that these 
sims run FG and are quite open, they might make for a nifty 
engineering sim or training sim for some people.



fn:Bruce Benneke
org:Benneke Computers
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;work:1 (306) 542-2891

Flightgear-devel mailing list

Re: [Flightgear-devel] Re: FG, opengc, generic gauges

2005-12-06 Thread Curtis L. Olson

Bruce Benneke wrote:

Absolutely I would be interested in just using FG to do the gauges.
Any details or a "boot in the right direction" would be appreciated
Would I be able to seperate the gauges onto a second system?  I'm 
already liking the idea of running 'atlas' as a mapping utility on a 
second compjust trying to distribute as much of this as possible. 
(I've got _stacks_ of older comps to use, but I'm short on newer stuff)

Hi Bruce,

I've done a system where the main FG computer displayed a fullscreen 2D 
panel and didn't draw any scenery.  FG was fully running though in terms 
of modeling internal systems, radios, flight dynamics, etc.  The 2d 
panel just showed the primary flight/engine gauges.  The radio stack was 
handled in hardware.  This was the 'main' or 'master' copy of 
flightgear.  From there you can 'slave' any number of display 
computers.  You could go with a single out-the-window display, or you 
could go with multiple displays for a wrap around system, or you could 
go with LCD projectors and project on a big screen(s) in front of you 
... there are lots of options depending on your budget and space.

Here are a couple pictures:

Minus the FAA certified flight dynamics, you can do all the software 
side of this with stock FlightGear and a little elbow grease.  The 
hardware of course would be something you'd have to buy or build ... the 
sims pictured are a product available for purchase.  In terms of fair 
disclosure, I should state that I'm somewhat involved with the company 
that builds/sells these sims ... I have done much of the software setup 
and configuration.  I only mention them here because it serves as a good 
example of the sort of thing you are trying to do.  Depending on the 
balance between your budget and your goals and your own abilities to put 
these sorts of systems together, these comercial sims might be an option 
for some people.  I'm not trying to be "Mr. Salesman" here, I'm happy to 
do my best to answer any questions you have about FG if you want to do 
this yourself, but given that these sims run FG and are quite open, they 
might make for a nifty engineering sim or training sim for some people.



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
Unique text:2f585eeea02e2c79d7b1d8c4963bae2d

Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] Re: FG, opengc, generic gauges

2005-12-06 Thread Bruce Benneke

Absolutely I would be interested in just using FG to do the gauges.
Any details or a "boot in the right direction" would be appreciated
Would I be able to seperate the gauges onto a second system?  I'm 
already liking the idea of running 'atlas' as a mapping utility on a 
second compjust trying to distribute as much of this as possible. 
(I've got _stacks_ of older comps to use, but I'm short on newer stuff)


Curtis L. Olson wrote:


There are many different ways to approach this problem.  OpenGC is 
good if you want to get into glass cockpit modeling.  But if you want 
to stick to traditional steam gauges, FlightGear has everything you 
need already built in.

In fact FlightGear includes some nice hires C172-S gauges you could 
use to assemble your own 2d panel.  The basic idea is to draw all the 
gauges on an LCD monitor, strategically placed behind your panel 
cutouts so that they look like real gauges.

I personally do not know a whole lot about opengc, so if you wish to 
go that route, John W. is your best point of contact.  If you are 
interested in this other idea of using FG to do 2d steam gauges, I can 
give you some more details on that.

Best regards,


Bruce Benneke wrote:

It was suggested I repost this heresorry for the sloppy 
formatting of this message

*_Summary of this project_*..
For students in air cadetstoo young for actual flight training, 
just trying to get them interested.
Trying to build a 172 cockpit , having 'out the window' view handled 
by at least one system, just the panel handled by another...
In essence, a network of systems, one segment handling view, another 
the gauges, and a third for an instructor to monitor the entire process.

Eventually, on a simple motion base.
Was trying to use opengc for this, but discovered that opengc and FG 
.9.9 dont talk so well under windows (not at all, apparently opengc 
becoming dormant in that area)
Moved to linux boxes, and into a whole new set of issues with getting 
opengc to compile, etc.
Is there a way to do this without using opengc? (or wiring 'actual' 
gauges...doable, but too expensive right now..._zero_ budget would be 
a good description...this is all volenteer)
I'm not sure the 'glass cockpit' approach is what this project needs 
anyway for this simpler cockpit (I'd rather have them be able to scan 
the 'big 6' than glance at a PFD or HUD)

Any advice or links to advice would be GREATLY appreciated.

Bruce B
(btw...I'll try and open source any software we come up with for the 
motion base...still a long way down the road, but any help here would 
also be appreciated)

below I've attached some of the conversation I've had with John W. 
regarding's kinda messy 'cause I just copied and pasted 

Actually, just thinking of the 172 for right now... a basic generic 
cockpit for now(might do a glider as well...air cadets offers a 
gliding program...)
Is there a way to do this without opengc?  (I have a tendency to look 
for the complicated solutions first.then kick myself later.)  
Just want to have the panel on a seperate screen(computer)...might 
expand the "view" to 3 screens if I have the time..even just the 'big 
6' gauges on a seperate screen...
You're right on the money with the virtual desktop solution for the 
InstructorI suppose I could just use VNC as well, that might just 
allow the instructor to "point out" things.

btwFG running on a Fedora Core 4 box, fresh install.  Can't get 
opengc to compile (with or without cmake), but I've heard theres more 
than one source? (kingmont/sourceforge?)  I'm also having issues with 
cvs on this boxbut thats another story (my old mandrake box was 
so nice to me...FC4 hates me)
The box I sacrificed is an Athlon xp 2000, Nvidia 5200, 512 MB ram, 
so not the highest amount of power out there.

Thats why I want to divide this up amoungst a few older machines.
I've been REALLY busy lately and haven't been able to do much 
research into this, but I'm hoping to get more involved over the 
holidays.  I'm not the best coder out there either(self tought 
there...I'm a hardware guy since the late 70's)

Sorry to keep buggin' you..
Bruce Benneke

John Wojnaroski wrote:

Bruce Benneke wrote:

Great info... thanks...

I'm going to bump the whole project over to linux boxes over the 
weekend and see what happens.
1 running FG, another running opengc and atlas. (maybe mirror it all 
to an instructors station if I can figure out how)
We're also hoping to build a motion base for this sucker as 
well...any sage advice/warnings? 

Consider using the "export DISPLAY=machine_name:0.0" command to set 
up X on a remote host?  If you're running fvwm2 under X you can setup 
several virtual desktops on the instructors station.

Are you trying to model any specific aircraft or just a generic 
cockpit?  OpenGC is glass, others may have added the more 
conventional "steam gauges" but my con