>> works fine, however, I notice some differences in the numbers reported
>> by the heading and track properties.
>Are you sure that the Digitrack actually knows the roll angle of the airplane?

I am not sure I have the technical background to understand how the
Digitrak actually works. It does not use a turn coordinator as a
source of roll information. There is an explanation on the website
which may be new, I do not remember having it when I made the model
for MSFS.

In the FG generic autopilot, the second stage of the heading bug hold,
inputs /orientation/roll-deg into the controller and uses the target
roll as the reference. I copied this to get it working. I looked at
the KAP140, but it depends on the turn indicator for input to the wing
leveler (roll mode). The Digitrak docs clearly state that it does not
employ a turn coordinator, so I cannot take this approach.

The overview claims it can sense motion about the three axes,
apparently through the directional gyro. I assume it uses that to
obtain roll angle. The orientation/roll-angle would be a good place to
start, being closest to getting the roll information from the digital

Is it possible to use the directional gyro as a source? It seems that
I would need to create my own gyro model to do this. The DG/heading
indicator only outputs heading.

I can only assume from the documents (the PDF manual particularly)
that the gyro is periodically corrected for drift using the
magnetometer or the GPS. I have not decided how to simulate this.

>Heading and track are _not_ the same thing. Heading is the direction that the 
>nose of the aircraft is pointing. Track is the direction that the aircraft is 

You're right. I forgot about wind effects. I have studied this in
instructional texts on navigation, but I have become lazy flying PC
flight sims by GPS route most of the time.

Thanks for clearing that up,


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