I work with a company that is interested in developing methods for interfacing 
one of our products with FlightGear.  We produce and sell a high-fidelity 
Aerospace Toolkit for the LabVIEW development environmnet.  The Toolkit helps 
engineers develop simulations of spacecraft flight for model-based design work. 
 If it helps in answering the questions product information may be found here 
(http://www.atacolorado.com/aerospace_toolkit.htm).  We wish to offer users the 
ability to interface the simulations they develop with FlightGear to enhance 
their visualization options.  
  I have searched through the documentaion and read through some of the source 
code.  However, I am curious if there is a document describing the overall 
architecture of FlightGear that is readily available.
  Chris Scruggs

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