Hy I'm new here so be patient with me :)
I have a few questions. I looked at the Aircraft to-do list in the wiki and
noticed for example that from the Beech99 the nose was not correctly modeled.
I've looked at the Beech 99 and saw that the current status was unknown so I
thought and give it a try. I've updated the nose of the beech so it's
symetrical. Updated ac file is downloadable at:

Now the questions is it oke if I solve some of the outstanding issues with plane
textures and 3d models?
Are the planes with status unknown no longer updated by their original authors?
My plan is to firstly update a few no longer supported planes and then create
some new ones myself when I'm more comfortable with the whole plane/xml
modelling. I'm pretty experienced with Car modelling for simulation software
but not yet with planes. Any tips? Or any requests for updating a certain
aircraft first? I'm thinking about updating the Beech99 and c172-le first but
if anybody has a different suggestion please say so.
Last question: where do I send the changes/new models I've made, to this


Dick Maurer

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