James Turner wrote:
> Update of /var/cvs/FlightGear-0.9/data/Aircraft/c172p
> In directory baron.flightgear.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24918
> Modified Files:
>     c172p.xml 
> Log Message:
> Dave Perry: 
> This patch adds main gear rotations about the fuselage attach points that 
> keep 
> the wheels in contact with the ground as the compression increases and 
> decreases.  I also rotated the main fairings and wheels 4 degrees so the 
> wheel 
> axles are horizontal sitting on the ground.  The left and right main gear 
> struts, wheels, and fairings were adjusted to be mirrored (symetric) in the 
> c172p.ac.  I also increased the rpm boundary between the Propeller and 
> Propeller.slow selects. 

Thanks Dave (and James).

Dave, Heiko (and anyone else modifying the 172 right now):

I'm making some minor changes to the XML animations in the cockpit 
right now to add support for mouse scroll wheel to rune instruments, plus some
more detailed in-sim help.

BTW - I added some additional in-sim tutorials for the c172p. If anyone has the 
time to 
run through them and provide feedback, that would be very useful.



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