Welcome to those who decided to have a look at this posting despite the
highlited keyword in the Subject  ;-)

Curt, I decided to write this into public because I think the
FlightGear project in its current form, driven by people with the aim
to build "something better" (TM), is starting to suffer seriously. This
doesn't affect just you, in the end this affects quite a few more
people as well and therefore the posting shows up in this very mailing

"Curtis Olson" wrote:

> Personally I have to chuckle quietly (just a bit) when I see we have this
> "problem" of two people working on the same aircraft.  That's a "problem"
> born out of the success of the FlightGear project.

Sorry, you failed to see the other part of the picture. The "problem"
is not just born out of the success of the FlightGear project. The real
problem which instatiates in the given case and which has been lurking
around for a while is the success plus the growth of the project and at
the same time the apparent lack of project 'maintenance'. This is the
point to realize.

We call you, Curt, our project maintainer but actually, due to your
time constraints, the project maintainers job mostly doesn't get done
_and_ you are typically unwilling to hand jobs over to other people.

I'll give you just a few examples:

 - I know it takes a significant amount of time/work to create such an
   aircraft as for example the model of a Blackbird for FlightGear. 
   Now, in this case, duplicate work shows up in the base package
   repository because people don't talk to each other _and_ almost
   nobody cares about making these people talk. This is the project
   maintainters job or at least the job of someone who has been
   entitled by the project maintainer to care about.

 - Strange things happen in the source code repository and nobody cares
   about expressing their opinion because most of those people who
   really care have already turned their back to the FlightGear
   project. The remaining people simply don't raise their voice because
   they're annoyed from being called ugly names by few project menbers
   who don't manage to figure that they left the limits of good taste
   in their wording far behind.

 - Last year at LinuxTag time Pigeon managed to create a Live-CD image
   with some Scenery stuff we luckily figured to put together in a last
   minute effort. It took you several EMails and several days just to
   put a short statement onto the web site that we could point people
   to. I asked you to give a second person write access to the web site
   in order to work around such delays in futures cases but you
   promised to me that such delay would not happen again.
   This year's LinuxTag you didn't manage to put a comment about our
   booth supporters onto the web site for one _week_. It was even
   _announced_ to you that this requirement would show up and you
   agreed to put the changes onto the site.

 - The TerraGear development is in fact pretty much dead because the
   single person who has write access to the repository, you, Curt,
   didn't manage to review valuable patch submissions and additions for
   _months_ !!  On the other hand you refuse to give write access to
   the repository before you managed to review the submitters'
   Nowadays the real and only TerraGear development takes place at the
   Custom Scenery Project, http://www.custom-scenery.org/ , one of
   numerous FlightGear side projects that float around atonomously
   because nobody even _attempts_ to keep things at least a tiny little
   bit in sync.

One word regarding side projects: Lots of well known OpenSource
projects have a single main site and several contributors care for the
different translations which are then hosted at this very place. Some
even implement a fall-back to the english version for those pages who
lack an appropriate translation. So for interested people there is
_one_ place to point to.
Many of these mentioned projects offer the opportunity for side
projects to present all their efforts under the same main URL and under
the same layout - still allowing these projects to remain as antonomous
as they wish. At FlightGear instead it takes us one week plus several
EMail reminders to put a two-liner and to small images onto the web
site ....

Many examples show us that the growth of a project, due to its success,
is likely to hurt the whole project heavily if there is no maintainer
who manages to handle this. Several people on this list have forseen
FlightGear getting into such a situation and this has been mentioned in
several EMail postings.
Proposals how to avoid the risks that we face and implementations of
these proposals have been posted and shown. Yet the situation hardly
has improved over the past, let's say, two years because we still have
a "single point of significant delay".

I don't ask you, Curt, to pour more time into the project as I know how
it feels to have very little time and a huge pile of stuff to get done.
I just ask you to start handing jobs over to other people and to
entitle these to care about certain jobs _before_ they start turning
their back at the project. I'm not just talking about my person here,
there are enough other skilled people around.

To cite your own words: "This is starting to get ridiculous".

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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