Sheesh ... another messed up log message:

> Merge branch 'master' of ../.fg.osg

Of course, I fix such botched log messages in CVS, so you'll get
the right thing with  $ cvs log fg_commands.cxx. It's just hard
to revoke the cvslogs mails. (I also fix bugs in the git gateway
that cause such problems. Note that these aren't git bugs!)

The actual message is:

  revision 1.101
  date: 2008-05-08 12:07:51 +0200;  author: mfranz;  state: Exp; [...]
  - rename fgcommand "set-mouse" to "set-cursor"
  - write new {x,y} coords to /devices/status/mice/mouse/{x,y}, so that
    they are immediately available


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