The Saitek X52 Flight Control System (joystick, throttle, etc.)
is rather nice and widely used, except that it has been unusable 
with all kernels from 2.6.28-15 to the present.

This is strictly a kernel bug, not a hardware problem or a plib
bug or a FGFS bug ... but it affects people in the FGFS community 
so I thought I would mention it here.

If you didn't know where to look, it might take you a long time
to find this bug ... but once found, it is easy to fix.

The patch is here:
with some discussion here:

This is an "out of the frying pan and into the fire" situation.
In kernel and before, Wacom tablets were incorrectly 
identified as being joysticks.  The heuristic that "fixed" that 
problem broke the X52.

Maybe eventually somebody will come up with a clean, non-heuristic 
bit of code that will reliably distinguish tablets from joysticks 
... but in the meantime, if you have an X52 and don't have a tablet, 
you want to apply the patch mentioned above.

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