On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 00:54:06 -0800, you wrote:

>Even without automatic texture generation it would cut down airport
>scenery creation time significantly. Automatic creation, sizing and
>placing of objects is great, and applying a generic texture should not
>be too hard. At least it eases the job for locals to adjust "their"
>airport to exact matching with reality (And non locals will find it

Even for a small airport like KSBY, this process would cut down the
amount of time needed to model it significantly. I had started
improvements using the existing tools (and had made some improvements
and corrections to the MSFS version some time before getting into
FlightGear). It is a tedious process, which would be much more
accurate and easier than making guesses and using fuzzy aerial
photographs. Airports like Easton or Cambridge used to only have maps
that look like they were drawn on the back of a napkin before these
PDFs became available.

Nothing breaks my suspension of disbelief more than flying in an area
I know should be built up and seeing nothing but a flat plane with a
patch of tar on it. No trees, no buildings, nothing. I understand what
you are saying about the white buildings, if there are generally
sufficient objects in the area, but when there is nothing, give me the
white buildings.


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