Hi All,

I spent a little time this weekend looking through the Rembrandt
shader code to gain some familiarity and (naively) see if I could find
any obvious performance improvement, in particular by unwrapping
loops/if tests, as Rembrandt is just a little too slow on my machine
to be usable.

Unfortunately most of my efforts actually made things worse, often by
a factor of 2.  Evidently modern GPU GLSL compilers are more advanced
than I had thought, and I should be a little more humble in the

However, I did notice a couple of things I'd like to get comments on,
mainly from Fred I suspect.

1) Shaders/ssao.frag:  This is the fragment shader for Ambient
Occlusion.   Line 54 starts a FOR loop that only executes once. I
don't know enough about the shader to say whether it's a straight bug
and should execute 4 times, or whether it's correct and the FOR loop
can be removed. Can anyone confirm?

2) Shaders/sunlight.frag:  I think I can remove the if() tests at the
end of the shader (around line 95), so

   float cosAngIncidence = clamp(dot(normal, lightDir), 0.0, 1.0);
    float blinnTerm = clamp( dot( halfDir, normal ), 0.0, 1.0 );

    if (cosAngIncidence > 0.0)
        Ispec = pow( blinnTerm, spec_emis.y * 128.0 ) * spec_emis.x *

    float matID = texture2D( color_tex, coords ).a * 255.0;
    if (matID >= 254.0)
        Idiff += Ispec * spec_emis.x;

can be replaced with the following code:

    float blinnTerm = clamp( dot( halfDir, normal ), 0.0, 1.0 );
        Ispec = step(0.0, dot(normal, lightDir)) *  pow( blinnTerm,
spec_emis.y * 128.0 ) * spec_emis.x * fg_SunSpecularColor.rgb;
        Idiff += step(0.996, texture2D( color_tex, coords ).a) * Ispec
* spec_emis.x; // 254: Water, 255: Ubershader

This doesn't improve the performance on my machine by a significant
amount, but it would seem worth doing.

3) From reading Effects/sunlight.eff, I don't think sunlight.frag is
ever executed with filtering == 1, (that's what
sunlight-nofiltering.frag is for), so the if() test on line  70 can be


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