Hi all - here comes a tricky one:
(good bugs are usually tricky - not everything tricky is necessarily a bug)

Imagine an arbitrary PropertyList config file like this:
  <foo type="double">3.14</foo>

and a code fragment like

class MyClass {
  double getter() const { return foo; }
  void setter( double d ) { foo = d; }

  void dosomethingfancy();

  double foo;

void MyClass::dosomethingfancy()
  someBaseNode->tie( "foo", this, MyClass:getter, MyClass::setter );

Ignore the fact, that it doesn't make much sense here - it's just an example.
One would expect that foo in MyClass (and the value of the thereafter tied 
property) gets initialized to the value of <foo> from the config file which is 
3.14. This actually works fine.

Now, modify the xml file to look like this:
  <foo type="double" write="n">3.14</foo>
(note: foo is now read-only)
The value of the foo-property now remains at an unchangeable value of zero, it 
no longer gets initialized to the provided value in <foo>. That is because the 
property is declared read-only and the setter method never gets called.

In simgear/props/props.hxx in SGPropertyNode::tie() some code exist to set the 
value of a property after being tied, to the default value using setValue(). 
However, setValue() is smart enough to check for a read-only property and 
refuses to change a property value in that case.

A fix might be to temporarily set the WRITE-flag for the property in the tie() 
method like this:
(fragment from props.hxx, SGPropertyNode::tie(const SGRawValue<T> &rawValue, 
bool useDefault), line 1789ff

   if (useDefault) {
        int save_attributes = getAttributes(); // save current write-flag
        setAttribute( WRITE, true ); // write-enable the property
        setValue(old_val); // set the old value
        setAttributes( save_attributes ); // restore write-flag

instead of 

   if (useDefault) {
        setValue(old_val); // noop for read-only property



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