On 07/07/2007 05:47 PM, Tim Moore wrote:

 > I think it's great that you're using git

It's a nifty thing.

 >  and and hope that we can
 > reconcile pigeon's split SimGear / FlightGear git repo, which is a bit
 > of a pain but updated automatically from CVS, with your more unified
 > setup. In the long term I hope the FlightGear project will adopt git as
 > a replacement for CVS.

Yeah.  CVS has a rather narrow view of how the world "should"
work, and FG doesn't really work that way.

 > However, for now I think it would be best to
 > include the diffs from your patches in these emails rather than pointing
 > folks to your git repo.

I customarily include the diffs, whenever that makes sense ... but it
doesn't always make sense.
   a) Note that in this case, I'm modifying a binary file.  It's hard to
    submit a meaningful diff of that, for reasons having nothing to do me
    or my work.
   b) See below.

 > That will increase the chances of developers ... looking at the patches
 > and committing them,

Well, the chances certainly can't go down.

I'm told that none of the active committers have any interest in
the stuff I've been working on.

There is such a backlog of patches that haven't even been looked at,
let alone committed, that a diff against the CVS version is several
times longer than the diff that just deals with the features I
implemented this morning.  The Sport Model is self-consistent, but
it's not entirely a mix&match à la carte proposition.

In this case in particular,
  A) If I just diff this morning's work against its immediate ancestor,
   you won't be able to apply the patch, because the ancestor is
   several patches removed from the stock CVS branch.
  B) If I diff the current Sport Model hsi.xml against the stock CVS
   version, you can apply the patch, but you can't use the result,
   because it depends on extensions to hsi.cxx, among other dependencies.
  C) et cetera.

The origin branch (i.e. the stock CVS model) works, and the Sport Model
works, but we can't make the all the mix&match chimeras work.  It would
be nice if we could, but we can't.

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