
..one way of gesturing, is rock vigorously your wings, this is the
preferred Kosher response when approaching e.g. Fisk for EAA AirVenture 
at KOSH, and one possible way of supporting this, is have grail read 
FG video output and test it for e.g. rocking wings, grail here means 
"Gesture Recognition And Instantiation Library" https://launchpad.net/grail
EAA Airventure NOTAM: http://airventure.org/flying/2013_notam.pdf

..in Debianese: 'aptitude install grail-tools', then:
arnt@celsius:~$ dpkg -l |grep grail-tools |fmt -uw 72
ii grail-tools 3.1.0-2 amd64 Gesture Recognition And Instantiation
Library - test tools
arnt@celsius:~$ dpkg -L grail-tools
arnt@celsius:~$ man -k grail
grail-test-3-1 (1)   - dump grail v3 events
grail-test-atomic (1) - dump grail v3 atomic gesture events
grail-test-edge (1)  - test edge swipes
grail-test-propagation (1) - test driver tool for gesture accept/reject

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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