Hello everyone!

I'm new to this list, but due to my work I am going to have a lot to
do with FlightGear and will hopefully be able to contribute a little
to the development too.

I have found an issue with the udp-communication between 32bit and
64bit systems. To reproduce try using the --native-ctrls option for
communication between the different architectures. As you will see it
is not working as the udp-packets received have a different size than
expected. The underlying reason is that class-objects are stored
differently on both machines even though all variables are strictly
the same size, e.g. 32bit ints and 64bit doubles.

Key to solving this is the class FGNetCtrls in net_ctrls.hxx. What I
did is declare all variables of the class in such an order, that they
can fit the same way in 32bit as well as in 64bit chunks. This is
probably not the most elegant solution, so I hope you cann suggest a
better one. Curiously, --native-fdm works without a problem, as its
variables are by accident(?) already declared in a right order.


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