Re: [Flightgear-devel] DEM data

2009-03-21 Thread Geoff McLane
On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 10:17 -0700, cullam Bruce-Lockhart wrote:
> I just wanted to check on this before I muck it up, now that I finally
> seem to have terragear compiled. I've got a couple of 1201X1201 grid
> cells of raster data, covering a total of 0.5 deg X 0.5 deg. The
> extension on the files is .dem, and according to the details that come
> with it, the data format is CDED ASCII. Do I need to re-process and
> format this before I can start running demchop on it to cut the
> squares to the right size? (provided I'm correctly understanding what
> it its that demshop does). I know that DEM-30 data needs to be
> changed, but I think this is more similar to DEM-3 data. Thanks gang! 
> -cullam

Hi Cullam,

Not sure that I am the 'best' person to reply to your query,
since in some senses I too am a 'newbie' at scenery building,
and still trying to get my head around all the parts ;=)) but -

There is also a deminfo tool, which, when pointed to a 'file.dem',
will read and output the DEM "A" record information, if it finds one
that 'conforms'... See the source dem.cxx for the various 'exit(-1)',
if it does not find what it wants/needs...

If the file 'passes' deminfo inspections, then maybe demchop
can be used... it will read the same DEM "A" record, and proceed
to read, and write out into a 'work_dir', all the SG 'buckets' it
finds, from the DEM "B" record, into 10X10/1x1/.arr.gz
files... ready for 'terrafit' 10X10/1X1/.fit.gz generation.

The fact that you mentioned the file(s) you have are 1201x1201
grids is a good sign, since, for sure, the dem.cxx library 'expects'
an array of [DEM_SIZE_1][DEM_SIZE_1], where DEM_SIZE_1 equals 1201...

I say GO FOR IT ;=))

It is worth noting that, while it seems you can choose your output
'work_dir', when you run 'genapts --help', which is the next step after
the elevation data is completed, you will see it has a fixed set of
'work-dir' it will search :-
SRTM2-Africa-3 SRTM2-Australia-3 SRTM2-Eurasia-3 SRTM2-Islands-3
SRTM2-North_America-3 SRTM2-South_America-3 DEM-USGS-3 SRTM-30
so I 'think' you have to choose one of these names, but what
do I know ;=))

And from your private mail, so others may add to the information,
and thus improve my knowledge also :-
>> an airport on Bell Island itself... 2300ft runway and a windsock...
>> doesn't appear in Flightgear, so that's one of the changes I
>> need to make

If I understand correctly, such a change needs to be given to Robin
Peel, for him to add to his x-plane/fg/... database, so this
eventually gets into apt.dat.gz of flightgear, but maybe others
can 'correct' this idea? Or is our apt.dat.gz now generated from
'other' sources now?? Can it include such 'additional'
a/p information???

And would certainly be interested in a UAV video switching
'flightgear's view back and forth between a camera on the nose
of the plane, and terragear's rendering', if you can find it...



PS: Now that 'maketg' has run successfully, maybe you should
try 'makefg' in the same  directory, since they 'share'
plib, osg, and fg data! You are more that 50% there...

Then you can quickly 'test' any new scenery built, with your
own fgfs, like -
$ ./ --fg-scenery= --lat=
--lon=<-NN.NN> --aircraft=ufo --fdm=ufo --altitude=1000
for instant gratification ;=))

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Flightgear-devel mailing list

[Flightgear-devel] DEM data

2009-03-20 Thread cullam Bruce-Lockhart
I just wanted to check on this before I muck it up, now that I finally seem to 
have terragear compiled. I've got a couple of 1201X1201 grid cells of raster 
data, covering a total of 0.5 deg X 0.5 deg. The extension on the files is 
.dem, and according to the details that come with it, the data format is CDED 
ASCII. Do I need to re-process and format this before I can start running 
demchop on it to cut the squares to the right size? (provided I'm correctly 
understanding what it its that demshop does). I know that DEM-30 data needs to 
be changed, but I think this is more similar to DEM-3 data. Thanks gang! 

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