I enjoy air combat sims. Adding air combat functionality to FG multiplayer is 
an interesting prospect, but it's not everyone's cup of tea. Personally I'd 
like the option, but I'd also like to exempt myself when not in the mood. I've 
been thinking about it for the last day or so, and here are a few ideas. 

Mind you I'm not that familiar with what's possible, or desirable, within FG so 
I offer these suggestions with the utmost humility.

1. Some people aren't ever going to want to participate in air combat, or have 
it interfere with their general aviation activities, and I feel it's important 
to respect these preferences. Hence some kind of segregation will be needed. 
Some possibilities come to mind:
a. Separate combat and noncombat servers is one way to avoid unpleasantness. 

b. If separate servers are not possible, certain areas could be designated as 
combat/sparring areas, just as in the real world, well away from civilian 
airspace. Outside these areas, weapons could be deactivated.

c. An IFF squawk setting could be used to indicate non-participation ("0", as 
default) or membership in a 'side' ("1", "2", etc.). 
2. Rather than full-blown combat, perhaps a 'laser-tag' (a la Air Combat 
USA/Top Gun) mode could be implemented. No one actually gets shot, but virtual 
weapons kills are tallied. I'd certainly enjoy this.

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