> The metar realwx controller checks every 60 seconds for a station
> reporting
> metar and loads that data if the station id has changed since the last
> check.
> It also rechecks the metar every 15 minutes for the unchanged station.

Okay, so every 60 seconds, the controller

* determines what the nearest station given current location is
* if that station has changed and is closer than 10.000 miles, a METAR is
* if that station has not changed, but 15 minutes have passed and the
station is closer than 10.000 miles, a METAR is retrieved
* otherwise no METAR is fetched
* and wait another 60 seconds

This means that if I use a 1/distance^n interpolation and have one weather
station, a second one always has a weight factor of 1/2 when it appears...
which explains why my winds jumped so suddenly before I started to fade
new stations in with a time-dependent weight.

But that's actually good, because on a transatlantic flight this means I
will get to know the destination weather hundreds of miles in advance, so
there is ample time to gradually bias the offline weather system into the
right pattern.

Thanks a lot!


* Thorsten

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