I have just uploaded 15 square degrees of land cover data to my website.

These is the raw shapefiles needed to run TerraGear - they're ready to go to 

However after generating shapefiles for Lake Tahoe/Reno I realized that this 
scenery touched the northeast corner of the default San Francisco scenery.

As a result I generated another 2x2 degree batch directly north of the default 
scenery, and directly west of Reno/Lake Tahoe.

Should I go ahead and generate 30m land cover data to replace or augment the 
KSFO data?

I am thinking, since this data is compatible with the FlightGear license, it 
may be possible once this scenery is generated to give users who are 
downloading the program for the first time a choice between the current 2 
degrees around KSFO scenery, or up to 16 square degrees of detailed scenery 
around KSFO (and including Sacramento, Reno, Fresno, and Monterey).

Their choice would be dependent on their graphics card and download speed.


The shapefiles I have generated are downloadable here. Please only download 
these files if you are interested in the raw shapefiles or if you wish to use 
the shapefiles as a base to run TerraGear:

Minneapolis/St. Paul: http://www.stattosoftware.com/flightgear/w094n44.zip

Durango/Telluride, Colorado: 

Reno/Lake Tahoe: http://www.stattosoftware.com/flightgear/w121n38.zip

Sacramento/Santa Rosa: http://www.stattosoftware.com/flightgear/w123n38.zip


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