På 10.03.2006 00:31 CET skrev David Luff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>After setting the vertical speed on the KAP140, the display of vertical speed 
>disappears after a few seconds, even though the autopilot is still holding (or 
>trying to) the target vertical speed.  Is this correct, or should the target 
>speed be displayed persistently?  This is with the 2D c172p panel, although I 
>believe the 3d one displays the same behaviour.

According to the Pilots Guide the preselected altitude is normally displayed. 
When you change the vertical speed setting, the vertical speed is displayed for 
3 or 5 seconds (I forget), after that the display reverts to the preselected 
altitude. So, I guess the current behaviour is correct.

Roy Vegard Ovesen

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