as I think only a few of you have the time to look at the AVSIM FG Forum.
And as you are discussing joystick problems under windows I want to mail you
a recent post from guy who had/has serious problems with Saitek
USB(!!!)-joystick under Linux and my answer to it:

tokabola wrote Apr-16-04:

Does anyone know how to get a Saitek Cyborg 3D USB joystick to work with
Linux? js_demo can't seem to read the axis, just the buttons.
The jscalibrator util for libjsw reads the axis, and I know joydev is
working on my machine (Mandrake Linux 10.0). I've tried with a few 2.4.x
kernels and the latest 2.6 version, same results.

This isn't a problem with the XML file, FGFS (and for that matter FGJS)
simply can't read the analog axis.

If anyone has made this stick (or a similar USB stick) work please tell me
how. I'm trying to stop using Windows but don't want to give up FG.



Open Source for Open Minds


HeliFLYer answered Apr-19-04
Hi Tommy,
there seems to be a similar problem under Windows (XP), USB Joystick(s) and
FlightGear, too.
As long as I had Gameport-Joysticks (JS0=Stick, JS1= Pedals) all worked
fine. Now with two USB Channels (JS0=Saitek X45 Stick and Throttle, JS1=
Pedals with USB-Adaptor) I get can't get JS0 work.
JSDemo displays like that:

(picture here not displayed, therefore some text info:)
Joystick test program

Joystick 0 not detected
Joystick 1 is "4-Achse 4-Taste Joystick"
 JS0                           JS1
 Not detected                  Btns Ax:0 Ax:1 ......
.....................          OOOO  -0.1 ....

FlightGear is the ONLY program which cannot handle both USB sticks
(channels). There are no problems with other sims.
I gave up. Just using FlightGear with the mouse for a while because it is
boring and there is no fun anymore.
Hope that problem will be solved with the next versions.

Georg (EDDW)

Would be really great if someone could check these problems before releasing
0.9.5, this is beyond my horizont. First I thought it to be a special
problem of MY hardware and FG, but I heard from another friend that he could
not get his USB joysticks working with FG. There are many known and
discussed problems with USB joysticks under Win especially when USB shares
IRQ with the grafic card (ie CDTs).

Thanks a lot in advance
Georg (EDDW)

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