Hi everyone,

I've downloaded the CVS patches to update my version of FlightGear.
They compile but I've a lot of problems from the linker. They are:

kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall FGKR_87::FGKR_87(class SGPropertyNode 
*)" (??0FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@Z) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual __thiscall FGKR_87::~FGKR_87(void)" 
(??1FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::init(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::unbind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: int __thiscall FGKR_87::get_stby_freq(void)const " 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@QBEHXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: void __thiscall FGKR_87::search(void)" ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]@@QAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::bind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : error LNK2005: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::update(double)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: __thiscall FGKR_87::FGKR_87(class SGPropertyNode 
*)" (??0FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@@@Z) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second 
definition ignored
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual __thiscall FGKR_87::~FGKR_87(void)" 
(??1FGKR_87@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second 
definition ignored
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::init(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::unbind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: int __thiscall FGKR_87::get_stby_freq(void)const 
" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@QBEHXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: void __thiscall FGKR_87::search(void)" ([EMAIL 
PROTECTED]@@QAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition ignored
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::bind(void)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second definition 
kr_87.obj : warning LNK4006: "public: virtual void __thiscall FGKR_87::update(double)" 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) already defined in instrument_mgr.obj; second 
definition ignored
   Creating library .\Release/FlightGear.lib and object .\Release/FlightGear.exp
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_anzg(void)" 
(?get_anzg@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readCard(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readCard@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Ax(void)" 
(?get_Ax@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Ax(void)" 
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux18(void)" 
(?get_aux18@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux17(void)" 
(?get_aux17@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux16(void)" 
(?get_aux16@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux15(void)" 
(?get_aux15@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux14(void)" 
(?get_aux14@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux13(void)" 
(?get_aux13@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux12(void)" 
(?get_aux12@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux11(void)" 
(?get_aux11@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux10(void)" 
(?get_aux10@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux9(void)" 
(?get_aux9@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux8(void)" 
(?get_aux8@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux7(void)" 
(?get_aux7@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux6(void)" 
(?get_aux6@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux5(void)" 
(?get_aux5@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux4(void)" 
(?get_aux4@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux3(void)" 
(?get_aux3@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux2(void)" 
(?get_aux2@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl 
get_aux2(void)" (?get_aux2@@YAMXZ)
hud.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_aux1(void)" 
(?get_aux1@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "class instr_item * __cdecl readLabel(class 
SGPropertyNode const *)" (?readLabel@@YAPAVinstr_item@@PBVSGPropertyNode@@@Z)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl 
get_aux1(void)" (?get_aux1@@YAMXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Az(void)" 
(?get_Az@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Ay(void)" 
(?get_Ay@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Vz(void)" 
(?get_Vz@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Vy(void)" 
(?get_Vy@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "float __cdecl get_Vx(void)" 
(?get_Vx@@YAMXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl get_iaux6(void)" 
(?get_iaux6@@YAHXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl get_iaux5(void)" 
(?get_iaux5@@YAHXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl get_iaux4(void)" 
(?get_iaux4@@YAHXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl get_iaux3(void)" 
(?get_iaux3@@YAHXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
hud_ladr.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl get_iaux2(void)" 
(?get_iaux2@@YAHXZ) referenced in function "public: virtual void __thiscall 
HudLadder::draw(void)" ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@@UAEXXZ)
.\Release/FlightGear.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 30 unresolved externals

I work with Visual Studio .NET. 
In the project I modified I've created a new folder and added to it the files into SP 
of FDM. I've also moved from the Cockpit folder to the Instrumentation folded the 
files ks_87.hxx
and hr_87.cxx. 

Why I've this errors? I've watched the code and the include are correclty updated.

Thanks, Luca

PS: I've tried to remove the #ifdef ENABLE_SP_FMDS and #endif into the file 
cockpit.cxx, but this
doesn't solved the problem. However, I don't know the cause of kr_87 redifinitions. 
They are
defined only into this file. I've tried to rebuild all, but this doesn't changed the 
output errors.

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