On 28 Oct 2004, at 11:57, Geoff McLane wrote:

Can anyone help with such a beast? Have tried the 0.9.3 (from
Wally's World) and 0.9.4 binary (FlightGear-0.9.4.tgz)  with
the current 0.9.6 scenery base, thank you for these, but no
go ... even when the 'version' file is altered to match!

I had this problem, I was able to work around it eventually but I forget how - sorry.

Says missing Navaids/default.nav, (and thus also .nav.gz)
for a start ... It seems there is a default.<something>
in several folders, but the data/Navaids folder of 0.9.6 contains
awy.dat.gz, fix.dat.gz and nav.dat.gz, among other things ...

Yes, that sounds about right.

(a) can anyone make a recent MAC OS (10.3 bash) binary available? or (b) is there an archive where the old scenery base 0.9.3 or 4 is/are available for download?

I've done bits of work in this direction in the past, and since Jonathan Polley is busy these days (he's the guy who did the previous Mac binaries) I guess I should step up to the plate. I'll take a look tonight / over the weekend, but don't hold your breath.

You whine like a mule. You are still alive!

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