Hi devs..

I got this site up that generates the docs from source..  git clone..
update.. then it uses doxygen.. + bash

Its hosted on a dedicated .. statically served by nginx at (but about 6
month out maybe..)

Now I want to fully automate this and hopefully achieve this in the next
few days..

1) flightgear project .. does it have a doxygen config etc
2) Which version of osg do I need to "use".. bit confsed there....

Otherwise the shole lot seems to be "interlinkin" nicely imho..

So plan for me is to
1) migrate it to anotehr mission - this weekends mission
2) setup again the "api-doc-creator".. which is basically a project and
bunch of scripts that pulls git runs doxy etc..
3) stick it on a cron twice daily..
4) repoint the DNS to a new site.. maybe api.freeflightsim.org .. or even

same caper as http://fgms.freeflightsim.org/

So some pointer an help would be nice as a "perma project"....
- Automatic update of API doc to latest release or Master.. ie next vs
- Documenting different branches against dirrerent api, eg simgear/osg
issues ??

pete ;-)
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