On 09/05/11 06:04, Steve Underwood wrote:
>>> I have finally posted some files showing this issue at
>>> http://www.soft-switch.org/fltk-bug/ .
>>> There are image captures of a fresh window, and the same window
>>> after partially covering and uncovering it. The code for the little
>>> program which produced this window is also there.
>> What happens if you change the main window from an Fl_Window
>> to an Fl_Double_Window ?
>> D.
> Single and double windows seem to behave exactly the same.

        Do all the fltk test programs portray this weird behavior
        as well?

        Try running 'xrefresh' while your app is running; do the
        artifacts change?

        Have you tested a lot of other GUI apps with this configuration?
        eg. 'old reliable' X apps (like 'xeyes', xclock, xlogo)
        Try resizing these real large and real small, looking for
        drawing artifacts.

        This sure looks like a driver issue of some kind,
        the way there appears to be 'echos' of other screen data.

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