> I know how to cross compile stuff (using cmake), but I'm having
> trouble cross compiling fltk-1.3.x-r9683 from a x86 linux host to an
> ARM target.

Not really; we don't generally construct our build tools to support 
cross-compilation, and that can make it tricky at times.

Personally, I usually build on the target system, and I suspect most others do 

When I do cross-compile fltk for other targets, I've always just hand-tweaked 
the build files anyway, since in general my cross-targets are custom platforms 
for which the cross-tools don't really work... Though I concede that's of 
little help to you!

FWIW, if the ARM target is Linux, or Linux-like, then doing the standard 
configure process on your host machine, and then hand-editing the generated 
makeinclude that produces (i.e. to change the paths for the cross tools, libs, 
etc.) will often take you all the way there. Or most of the way, anyway (indeed 
I have cross-compiled for VxWorks from a non-VxWorks host in this way, and 
that's really quite *not* Linux-like!)

Also, note that the cmake files are not all that actively maintained - they 
were largely contributed, and few of the regular devs are regular cmake users, 
so they may not be the ideal starting place... the autoconf/configure tools are 
more active and would be a better staring place in general.

Finally, you will probably get more help and feedback posting over in the 
fltk.general list; this list (fltk.dev) is intended for discussing dev *within* 
the library, rather than for dev *using* the library, so your post (and my 
reply) are off-topic for this list!

Cheers, HTH,

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