On 01/23/12 10:22, Yuri P. Fedorchenko wrote:
> hm i also have a problem. when i try open, for example,
> http://www.cli.di.unipi.it/~demiche/3DPlanetarium.html
> i have:
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /~demiche/3DPlanetarium.html on this 
> server.

        It's just a stale link.

        In this case it appears to be a school, so likely the
        student graduated, and instead of deleting the account
        directory, they just disabled the account by making the
        permissions unreadable as a placeholder for the account,
        so that if the student comes back, they can get their old page

        Since this link stays on the same web server, and doesn't
        redirect to a different domain, I wouldn't worry.

        There will be cases where the entire domain goes stale,
        and gets taken over by one of those parked domain redirects,
        or bought by domain squatters that shows generic info.

        Surely all of you have at one point or another accidentally
        run into 'expired domain girl' from time to time when you've
        typo'ed a common domain name, or visited a bookmarked site
        that no longer exists, e.g.
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