> I can think of two approaches to doing this, which I've attached
> to STR #2728 <http://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2728>
> Curious which you think is better.. I kinda like (A) the most:
>     A. Have the test/Makefile automatically generate a 
> shadow_variables.cxx
>        file on the fly via a one-liner perl command in the 
> Makefile. (No svn
>        check in of the file is needed, it's automatically generated)
>            PROS: Automation -- in the future if devs add new 
> .H files, the Makefile
>                  will automatically include and test them.. 
> no special steps needed.
>                  Pretty much fool-proof.
>            CONS: This creates a perhaps undesirable 
> dependency on perl.
>     B. Create a static shadow_variables.cxx and check it in.
>            PROS: The test program is like all the others, and 
> no automation
>                  dependency on perl.
>            CONS: Devs would have to *manually* maintain the 
> shadow_variables.cxx file,
>                  updating it whenever new .H files are added 
> to FLTK, which if forgotten
>                  would go silently untested.
> ..or if you have better suggs, feel free to follow up.

Option (A) seems the more thorough - and if we put the generated file in
the repo too, then we can fix it up so that anyone who does not have
perl can still get something.

I guess when we make up an "official" tarball, or even a weekly, then
there's a good chance that perl wil be in place, so we can ensure the
generated file goes into the tarball.

And is it safe to assume that anyone who's working from svn directly
probably has perl installed too? They would need (at least) all the
autotools stuff, for example, and I'd hazard that on many hosts perl is
more common than autotools...

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