On 01/30/12 01:05, duraisamy wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> We would like to make sure that software is free or license.

        FLTK is free and can be used in free or commercial software
        for free.

> We would like to know whether we have to satisfy any licensing agreement
> to make the software freely available.

        See the COPYING file that is in the FLTK directory.

        It is *LGPL* V2 so that you can compile and link with it.

        See the first page of the file for exceptions that mostly
        benefit the developer.

        In section 3 it lets you *statically link* your app without
        having to do anything special. (Not the case with the normal LGPL)

        In section 4 it says you need to indicate your app uses FLTK
        either in the docs, or in the app itself (eg. in the Help->About 
        which is what I do in my commercial apps)
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