Hi everyone,

I’ve gone through and made some adjustments to the teams and permissions for 
our repositories. I’ve added all of the members to a team and given it “Triage” 
permission. Mostly this will add the ability to manage GitHub Issues and 
request reviews on PRs. (See: Repository permission levels for an organization 
 Unfortunately this isn’t an automatic process so we’ll have to keep things 
updated as new members and repos are added.

I’ve also cleaned up a few of the teams and members. Please let me know if you 
are missing access that you were expecting.

For our fluid-project repos we have a Maintainers team that is constructed of 
those who gained committer 
<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Fluid+Maintainers> access to the 
Fluid Community. We may want to consider if we should split out our access 
levels into groups of repositories. For example our websites have a different 
method for gaining commit access than does Infusion. Should the current set of 
maintainers have push access to all repos or just a certain subset? We’ve also 
been working on a set of a la carte governance options 
<https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Project+Governance+Options> that 
different projects/repos may pick from and potentially move between over time.

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