
When's the Book Fair happening?  Sounds like a great idea.  I've got my studio
"La Gallerie de Shed" open for the Artists Equity Studio Tour at the end of
September - a display of the group projects would be great here as well, but I
do na' have a box - perhaps a loaner at that time?

For the tour last year we also sold shrinkwrapped cookies that we had printed
with photographs at a local bakery.  Sent them the photos by email and they
inkjet printed the images with food coloring.  They were a big hit.  "Cookies
With Body!!! $5 Each, Completely Edible"  Maybe this year I'll ask for Fluxlist
images....hmmm...a new project - whoa, better finish the stamp one first.

John Held seems very amenable to perfing a few sheets past his limit, in fact he
might teach me to perf!!!!!  And hopefully, I would perf perfectly.  That's a
fun word to say, isn't it?  perf.....  Of course, there is the option of copying
the ones you get as well, although there would be an absence of perf.


Sol Nte wrote:

> I will now definitely be standing the London Artist's Book Fair this year
> which is being held at the Barbican in central London. I shall use it as an
> opportunity to show our box amongst other things and offer some for sale
> perhaps(Owen can you get in touch offlist about this..would send a separate
> mail but my fingers are tired). Also I've been in touch with Roger and shall
> hopefully be putting the poetry book on display too ( P.K. perhaps the
> stampsheet should be a possibility too, will there be extras for
> sale/exhibition etc. ?)

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