In the email today...

-----Original Message-----
From: paul stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Allen Bukoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 7:27 AM

>I am currently in the process of organizing a mail art
>project to raise cancer awareness, and to benefit my
>local cancer hospice, Halton Haven.  I intend to
>create a large number of postcards and send them to
>various locations around the world, the recipients are
>then asked to add something, anything, paint, ink,
>collage etc to the cards highlighting their own
>personal feelings about cancer.  When I have all the
>completed cards returned to me I intend to display
>them in the hospice in may.  If you would be
>interested in receiving a card to help me with this
>worthy cause i would love to hear from you asap.
>thank you for listening
>Paul Stevenson 
>Paul Stevenson.
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