>Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2000 19:37:55 -0500
>From: ted sherarts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: An artist a day
>If you respond to this message, you will be placed on "An Artist a Day"
>listserve.  The project is barely two weeks old but will continue until the
>internet is no longer available to me or I am indisposed.  Each day,
>recepients receive the name of a contemporary artist.  Mail artist FaGaGaGa
>independently e-mails an anagram of the artist's name to those on the
>listserve.  One of the recepients, Max Seim, opened a website which tracks
>the history of my project and FaGaGaGa
>(http://pages.prodigy.net/seims/artist.htm ).  If you do not wish to be on
>this listserve, merely trash this message without responding.--Ted Sherarts

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