ok... if you are not an M.D. you need to write a letter to the curator of
the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons, requesting
an entry ticket to see the museum. Sound serious and knowledgeable
about medicine and anatomy, be sincere, and maybe you'll get in.
It's fascinating... At the museum, ask about the surgical theater, now
museum, which I think is in Southwark. They were busy remodeling this
building, burst through a wall and found it. Hadn't been seen, heard of,
or used in a very long time. Now a museum to show what entertainment
was like back in the good ol' days before anesthesia.

The other place is nearby, and since I don't have my books here and
I am not about to go internetting to look it up, I will venture to say
it's the Sloan Museum (I do know it starts with an "s".) Amazing...
This guy was an architect back in 1800's or so who collected loads
of things. His house is the museum, like a maze with all sorts of
things everywhere. He also has a whole set of Hogarth's on hinges in
this small room. He willed his house and stuff to the city to be a museum.

Other fave things:

Hall of Meat at Harrod's (mosaics)
End of the World pub way out west at end of King's Road
the fact of the existence of Good English Ales, and Porters
the availability of non-English food
Foyle's to experience huge bookstore with weird system for shelving books
     (by publisher in some sections)
Minding the Gap!!!!!! <- my favorite, if you could record the guy saying it, I would 
love to
      have a copy!
Speaker's Corner in Hyde park <- ideal location for Fluxus shenanigans both as
     speaker and as audience (the hecklers are wonderful)
the fact that you have the rest of Britain at your doorstep

there is way more and I am getting jealous and sad thinking about London.


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