has the following two items for sale in their latest 
catalog update:

*       Mieko Shiomi    "Fluxus Suite (Musical Dictionary of 80 
People around Fluxus)"  CD      $18.99  the first CD by Japanese 
Fluxus member and founder of Group Ongaku.  to celebrate the 40th 
anniversary of Fluxus, she has composed eighty short musical pieces 
for eighty Fluxus friends (from Dietrich Albrecht to Marian Zazeela). 
the pieces are performed solo on the synthesizer, and in some cases 
have amusing nods the person's style of work.  for example, the piece 
dedicated to George Brecht uses sounds that resemble dripping water; 
the one dedicated to Philip Corner sounds like one of his piano 
pieces. ? Records       Germany ?10

        Mieko Shiomi    "Shadow Event No. Y"    booklet $9.99   "30th 
booklet, 1993.  48 pages with text and a silk-screen on transparent 
folio and a cardboard cover, offset-print.  Edition of 500 copies, 15 
x 11 cm."  a very Fluxus piece as it is a set of instructions of 
things to do to a shadow you would make by projecting light through 
the clear plastic insert with only the word "SHADOW" stenciled on it. 
        Edition Hundertmark     Germany 30. Heft

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