FLUXLIST: a unique and lasting tribute to "rubBEings" (xerolage 32)

2005-04-06 Thread David-Baptiste Chirot
Esteemed Ones--
i  have just learned of a unique and lasting tribute to my "rubBEings" book published as xerolage 32
the manager of where i live--who has become a good friend--is a connessuer of tattoos--and wears many unusual ones--he is very particualar about what he chooses to wear on his arms--his last "tat" is a beautiful one going down forearm of a crop circle--
he has informed me that for his next tattoo--on his upper arm, two tattoos up from the crop circle--he has chosen one of the BEings on a page in "rubBEings''--the page has three BEings--and he chose one, isolated it and enlarged--to take to the tattoo shop--
i am very deeply honored--for now this BEing has truly taken on a new life!--and will be moving in the world--in so many new ways among so many new acquaintances!  a new found freedom for it--moving beyond the page--outwo/ards--
(this BEing emerged and rubBEd form a telephone pole and a decorative part of a broken table leg--)
i thought you all may enjoy knowing of this--as one never knows--where and how visual poetry may literally change lives--affect people--find new ways of BEing and moving in the world-- seen and read/ in entirely new contexts--and passed on from the maker to other ways of making--other people's ways of expressions--
"It is not the elements which are new, but the order of their arrangement" (Pascal)
The One whose Oracle is at Delphi neither speaks nor conceals but gives signs"--(Heraclitus)
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Re: FLUXLIST: i-Zone gallery don this is it

2005-04-06 Thread Crispin Webb

--- Rod Stasick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sol,
> Don't forget the i-Zone gallery, if you haven't already added it:
> http://tinyurl.com/3tjqq
> Rod
> ---
> Now playing: Michael Hoenig - Hanging Garden Transfer
> "People come up to me and say, 'Emo, do people really come up to you?'" 
> - Emo Phillips



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FLUXLIST: Recent Works by Lanny Quarles. April and May, 2005 at Touchon & Co Fine Arts

2005-04-06 Thread Cecil Touchon
Recent Works by Lanny Quarles. April and May, 2005 at Touchon & Co Fine Arts
"Post-Dogmatist Experiments in the Alchemical Transmutations of

Long standing member of the International Post-Dogmatist Group, Lanny
Quarles creates digital collage art from such a vast array of sources as to
boggle the mind. Exploring the nature of the worlds both corporal and
spiritual as well as the visual and linguistic systems man has devised to
express his knowledge of them, Mr. Quarles diary like alchemical process
chronicles the collision of these worlds and cultures as we find them
today - co-existing as a great deluge of information without the physical
and temporal borders that once seperated them.

Please visit our Touchon & Co Fine Arts gallery website at
Touchon & Co. Fine Arts is an international primary-market dealer and fine
art publisher specializing in important contemporary works of art focusing
on Abstraction, Surrealism, Massurrealism, Constructivism and
Post-Dogmatism, in paintings, collage, new media and digital art, works on
paper, photography and other media both traditional and avant garde.

Touchon and Co. Fine Arts
Rosalia Rodrigues Valdez, Director
Cuernavaca, Mexico - http://touchon.com
646-405-7232 (NYC)


2005-04-06 Thread mIEKAL aND
The email addresses to send works to are:


From: "David Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: April 6, 2005 10:01:50 AM CDT
Reply-To: "David Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fear Folks,
This is such a beautiful page of visual poetry that I feel everyone should contribute-


Idea & Concept: Clemente Padin & Hartmut Andryczuk
FOR UNIVERSE now is online
