Re: FLUXLIST: Scum Tide

2006-03-24 Thread suse

So, Lets make a FLUXUS ANTHOLOGY 2005 or 6 of 
poems. Okay, I'll do it. Send me one poem that I can print out on my cheap 
printer and I will make copies and throw suprise artwork all over it or 
email a poem to me and I will gather it together 
with all the other poems mailed to me for the same purpose and I will make books 
which I will then try to mass produce artfully--I pledge to do my best to send 
them out barring all quicksilver and catastrophe. I'd like to make the deadline 
soon: April 1st, 2006--Recent Fluxus Poetry-- An rfp for rfp-- is this too 
bold to attempt? 
Who knows, she is talking to herself on fluxlist 
Mr. Bennett--here's to your scum tide--enjoyed your 
reading on FLUXUS ANTHOLOGY 2005

  - Original Message - 
  John M. 
  Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 2:12 
  Subject: FLUXLIST: Scum Tide
  Scum Tidepus, woodclodfragile 
  hilltaut it,seaJohn M. BennettRained on by Ivan 
  __Dr. John M. 
  Bennett Curator, Avant Writing 
  CollectionRare Books & Manuscripts LibraryThe Ohio State 
  University Libraries1858 Neil Av MallColumbus, OH 43210 
  USA(614) 292-3029[EMAIL PROTECTED]www.johnmbennett.net___ 

Re: FLUXLIST: nyc not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread suse

- Original Message - 
From: "Alan Bowman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 10:47 AM
Subject: FLUXLIST: nyc not fluxus / list related!

> today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new
york.  this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we
ended up selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and
moving to venice.
> does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a
UN one, but others...?
> dunno what i'd do though...

Well, there are a few things to do in could start an international
school if you can't find one...toy with the idea...visit April 26th,
check it out
> alan

Re: FLUXLIST: Ever After

2006-03-24 Thread suse
I have two copies. One with coffee stains and one without. I will send you
either one free of charge
- Original Message - 
From: "Don Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Ever After

> Hey Suse! That's a great book! Is your copy for sale? -Don

FLUXLIST: A special circus

2006-03-24 Thread Rod Stasick


Now Playing:

Re: FLUXLIST: Ever After

2006-03-24 Thread Don Boyd

Hey Suse! That's a great book! Is your copy for sale? -Don

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST: nyc  not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread badgergirl
On a more utilitarian note:  There's something called The International 
College, although I know nothing about it. It's at 

850 3rd Street
New York, NY 10022

212 758 2327

Also, there are a number of what are being touted as "International Schools" 
that seem to reside within NYC public schools.  A Google search of 
"international high schools" "new york" will bring you information on these 

If you need more specific information let me know. I am right here, after all.


>today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new york.  
>this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we ended up 
>selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and moving to 
>does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a UN 
>one, but others...?
>dunno what i'd do though...

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST: nyc  not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread badgergirl
On a more utilitarian note:  There's something called The International 
College, although I know nothing about it. It's at 

850 3rd Street
New York, NY 10022

212 758 2327

Also, there are a number of what are being touted as "International Schools" 
that seem to reside within NYC public schools.  A Google search of 
"international high schools" "new york" will bring you information on these 

If you need more specific information let me know. I am right here, after all.


>today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new york.  
>this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we ended up 
>selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and moving to 
>does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a UN 
>one, but others...?
>dunno what i'd do though...

FLUXLIST: Re: FLUXLIST: nyc  not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread badgergirl
How odd that you should talk of moving to NY

Just the other day, I saw your doppelganger.  In fact, I very nearly bonked him 
on the head with a rolled up magazine (why, playfully, of course), until I 
realized how unlikely it was that you should suddenly turn up walking down 23rd 
street.  I briefly considered giving him a good-natured thump anyway, but I had 
a bus to catch

La Badger Sans Merci

>today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new york.  
>this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we ended up 
>selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and moving to 
>does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a UN 
>one, but others...?
>dunno what i'd do though...

FLUXLIST: Re: Alexandra's e-mail

2006-03-24 Thread suse
I do not know it but I got the article from
Go to search site and enter  Nam June Paik. There are several articles. This
one is from yesterday.
I am forwarding to FLUXLIST in case anyone else is interested.

- Original Message - 
From: "Judith"
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 12:28 PM
Subject: Alexandra's e-mail

> Ken Friedman would like Alex's e-mail address to thank her about Nam
> funeral coverage.
> Thanks.
> jah


2006-03-24 Thread John M. Bennett

Scum Tide
pus, wood
fragile hill
taut it

John M. Bennett
Rained on by Ivan Arguelles

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

FLUXLIST: [subject music]

2006-03-24 Thread Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
[subject music]

1. whistle: three sound(s). 
2. happy: five sound(s). 
3. hum: three sound(s). 
4. tacet.
5. polka: four sound(s). 
6. G.P.
7. slurp: one sound. 
8. cocoa: five sound(s). 

Repeat, as long as needed.


FLUXLIST: me et me at

2006-03-24 Thread Sheila Murphy
me et me at  montagne  why not  the pilgrims   shuffle on  in slippers  me et me at  chum tum  cranberry  holding(s)  right away sir  right  a way stirred  closely held  beheld   beseeching  tree bee  trimly  sequined   fine as   line-drawn  hand   or not  the null  (all) set     sheila e. murphy

FLUXLIST: nyc not fluxus / list related!

2006-03-24 Thread Alan Bowman

today my partner nic started looking for international schools in new york.  
this is a dangerous sign - last time she started looking for a job we ended up 
selling just about everything we owned, giving the cats away and moving to 

does anyone know of any such schools in the ny area, i know that there's a UN 
one, but others...?

dunno what i'd do though...


FLUXLIST: S treak, Cloc k

2006-03-24 Thread John M. Bennett

S treak
stup an c lap a gust pas t cha mping c lods
uh eep chew s porty tran ce s tuck up t here w
hy dand le hymn why s can the h eel d ump
couldn’t go streak g uns hoo ting the bur
ger s ack c lot popper  .c hunk a s perm dr
agging cross yr l egg pallid slamwich  .huzzah
Cloc k
hock heap d win dled por key s patter qu
ick a d unce b urns the how s he d ying  ?do
or burst win dow a f lame g ate my w rist
.so waf ting  ,so c lock g runt or cheats the
sock ban nurd a gamy s kin loss s cream
boil yr weenies chuck the musturd up a log lung s pit

John M. Bennett

Dr. John M. Bennett 
Curator, Avant Writing Collection
Rare Books & Manuscripts Library
The Ohio State University Libraries
1858 Neil Av Mall
Columbus, OH 43210 USA
(614) 292-3029

FLUXLIST: April 26th--nyc

2006-03-24 Thread suse

AlexandraAnderson-Spivy  Nam 
June Paik, who transformed video into an art form and drove to abstraction the 
images of broadcast TV, died in Miami on Jan. 29, 2006. He was 73. A few days 
later, on Friday, Feb. 3, Paik’s amazing memorial service at the Frank E. 
Campbell funeral chapel on Madison Avenue reminded everyone there that the art 
world had lost one of its most joyful and subversive elders. Nam June’s last 
rites were a rare mix of the sublime and the outrageous. 

Films of Nam June in action were projected on a screen on the far wall of the 
room. By 3 pm, when the service began, it was SRO -- for this was a reunion of 
the Fluxus clan and the now distinctly weathered members of what once was the 
hardcore avant-garde. Notably present were Jon Hendricks, Museum of Modern Art 
media curator Barbara London, Kate Millet, Yoko Ono and Jonas Mekas. Notably 
absent were New York museum directors -- at least I didn’t see one.
The artist himself, serene as a baby in his open casket, banked by huge 
baskets and bouquets of white flowers, was practically hidden behind a living 
wall of several dozen paparazzi festooned with tiny digital cameras, elaborate 
video cameras and microphones. The reporters had jammed themselves into the 
space between the pews and the front of the chapel. They had spilled back into 
the aisles. They climbed over each other, their flash bulbs flaring, as the 
largely Asian press swarmed like bees on speed to record the event for the 
newspapers and television channels of Seoul and Tokyo. Ray Johnson scholar Bill 
Wilson, ever-urbane, whispered in mock horror, "I have Southern relatives who 
would never make it out of here alive if they saw this!" 
Our initial shock turned to delight. One of the last great Fluxus events had 
Carolee Schneemann and I sat beside Shigeko Kubota, Nam June’s widow, in the 
second row, which was mostly reserved for speakers. Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s 
attempt to be unobtrusive in our row was somewhat undermined by Jeanne-Claude’s 
signature red hair. Yoko Ono and Merce Cunningham appeared at the last minute 
before the service began. As Yoko sat down in front of us in the first row, next 
to Betsy Broun, director of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the paparazzi 
went mad. The media storm became a tornado. Reporters with microphones attacked, 
climbing over Merce in his wheelchair to get to Yoko. Cameras buzzed. With 
elegant dignity Yoko smiled and turned them away with a few words. 
The photographers and reporters at last assumed a momentary attitude of 
relatively quiet respect. Ken Paik Hakuta, the nephew Nam June and Shigeko, 
brought up after he arrived in America 40 years ago at age 14, led the service. 
Also known as "Dr. Fad," the charming Hakuta is famous outside the art world as 
the inventor of the Wacky Wallwalker, a toy that sold millions in the late 
1980s. (Within the art world, he is director of Paik Studios). Ken read a 
telegram from the president of Korea, where a Paik Museum has recently broken 
ground. He then introduced each speaker. 
John Hanhardt, film and media arts curator of the Guggenheim Museum, Christo 
and Jeanne-Claude, Yoko, Bill Viola and Betsy Broun all talked about their 
friendships with Nam June. Wulf Herzogenrath, director of the Bremen Kunsthalle, 
recalled Paik’s early years in Germany. John Hanhardt told a story about the 
night six years ago when he and Nam June were staying late at the museum to 
install Paik’s year 2000 retrospective. John noticed that Paik’s ground floor 
installation was reflected in the moonlit night sky through the Guggenheim glass 
ceiling. "Look!" he said to Paik. Nam June looked up, pointed at the sky and 
said, "That’s high art." Then he pointed to the installation on the Guggenheim 
floor. "I make low art." 
Tae-Ho Song, president of the Gyeonggi Foundation in Korea, which is building 
the Paik museum, described Paik as a national cultural hero. Ken Hakuta followed 
him, telling many other stories about his uncle. Here's the one he ended 
"In 1998, Nam June was invited to a state dinner at the Clinton White House, 
June of '98. Some of you will remember -- it's not that long ago -- that was the 
height of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Nam June was going, and he asked if I 
would go with him. I wheeled him into the White House, and these gigantic 
Marines took over from there. Nam June was very amused, I think. He was having a 
great time, talking to all the people. Then we got into to the receiving line. 
Nam June decided to show respect, I think, to the President, Mrs. Clinton and 
the other dignitaries there. He decided to get up from his wheelchair, get on 
his walker, and try to walk through the receiving line. The world press is 
across from the line at the state dinner. Tens and tens of cameras and video 
cameras, everything. So as Nam June is talking to President Clinton, and I'm 
standing right behind him, Nam June turns around and says