in the email today...

>From: "Ashley Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:13:00 PST
>One Less Sense.  The audience will be lead though a sound/smell/tactile 
>installation blindfolded.
>-Ashley Smith
>Co-founder Red Dive
>One Less Sense
>         vision without sight
>Produced by Red Dive
>In the Flamboyan Theater of the Clemente Solo Valez Cultural Center
>107 Suffolk (between Rivington and Delancey)
>Thursday though Sunday
>April    13-16
>             20-23
>             27-30
>Tours leave between 7 and 10:40 pm, every 20 minutes, 12 tours a night.
>Each tour last 45 minutes.
>Call 212-760-4951 for detailed tour times and reservations.  Tickets are 
>$11 during first week and $13 thereafter.

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