
I really don't think it matters whether you acknowledge the Fluxus banner
or not. If you're working in an area which was passed down from the
original Fluxus concepts, attitudes(see Ken Friedman's list of characteristics) 
and works then what difference  does it make? What, so you can go to 
vernisages and schmooze with the elderly show them how clever you are? 
I guess some people like that kind of thing. I think that tradition is 
important but after a time it really developed beyond that. Stewart Home 
wrote about using Fluxus like a ladder until you got to a point where the 
ladder could be thrown away. What started for me with feeling a real 
affinity with Fluxus and being encouraged by Ken ended up just being 
another approach. Maybe to get where I am now I had to go through Fluxus
country and I kept what I saw and learned on the way.


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