On 1427Muharram 07, at 8:33 AM, Allan Revich wrote:

Thanks Rod,

All depends on ones point of view I guess.

As an IT support specialist at a university, I can fix just about
anything... but from the point of view of a typical end user, if it doesn't
work when you click the button, it's a bug. I tend to agree with them.

...but we don't live in a world of one size fits all.
People send me all kinds of files
that won't open unless there's some jiggling around.
I have software to convert .wmv files when they're sent to me...
You can't open .exe files on a Mac...Word, Excel, and Powerpoint files don't always open
on everyone's machine. Two minutes ago, I finished converting an .avi
file to a .mov so that I could use Quick Time and not a VLC player...
and so on..., so it's a bit unreasonable to expect everything sent
to open for everyone. The best you can do is get as close to the
majority standard as possible and if there's a prob, then you provide the easiest solution. If there's a new streaming standard - for example .m3u - and it can't be opened,
maybe the settings need to be changed or in some cases,
something else more appropriate is used to open the file.
I discovered this the hard way when, beginning about a year ago,
the streams from NPR archives, and various online radio stations
converted to the m3u standard (because it takes up less space),
so I had to also. It's just a matter of going along with the flow of technology really.


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