Re: FLUXLIST: Has anyone thought to ask Charlie Burch ?

2000-05-25 Thread ann klefstad

Ken Friedman wrote:

 Come on, people.

Dear Ken,

Myke made his suggestion tongue-in-cheek, with a certain bitterness. In the debate
over copyright, his position has been that it is illegitimate to take work without
authorization. So in this case where it would obviously be a base act to post the
work on the web, he ironically suggested it. A Modest Proposal.

Email is often too devoid of context--one reason to have those long strings
following postings around!

Be assured, M'sieu Pepperbunny would never actually do such a thing as rip off
another artist.


Re: FLUXLIST: Has anyone thought to ask Charlie Burch ?

2000-05-25 Thread Lord Hasenpfeffer


Hi!  I was not seriously suggesting what I suggested.
Thank you for so coherently defending my point of view.

Metallica = Charlton Burch = Lord Hasenpfeffer = All Artists Everywhere

As far as moral right - I'm constantly being told by atheists and agnostics
that my morals are worthless shite.  If that is true then who can legitimately
declare that such a thing as "moral right" even exists?  I mean, it
either does or it doesn't.  Which is it?
